Root Canal Treatment

It starts with a small tickle, and in a few days it’s a mild pain that doesn’t seem to go away. It could even feel funny after eating something that is hot or cold. When you notice these symptoms, this could be the sign of a tooth needing a root canal treatment.

When a tooth root gets infected, the nerve must be removed before serious complications occur. The removal of the bacteria laden pulp allows the tooth to be saved, as well as prevents the possibility of further infection. Your tooth can function exactly the same after the removal of the interior pulp.

To start the procedure, the dentist will apply a freezing in the area and when suitably frozen, clean out the tooth. The damaged nerve will be carefully removed, and the root canal will be disinfected, and then filled with a preservative material.

X-rays will be taken to ensure that all areas are completely filled, and then, the entire tooth may be covered with a temporary filling in preparation for the eventual permanent crown.

Similar to a simple cavity drilling procedure, the root canal process will provide you with the following benefits:

  • No changes to chewing pattern
  • No tooth appearance changes
  • No smile appearance changes
  • No adverse stress on other teeth

Deep cavities, cracks, injuries or problems from older procedures are all conditions that can lead to a canal procedure. In determining if you are a candidate, the dentist may lightly tap your teeth to determine pressure sensitivity and expose the area to both hot and cold for temperature sensitivity to properly diagnose your condition. An X-ray will also help reveal if the tooth needs quick attention.

Generally, a tooth is in need of a root canal will reveal its condition quite clearly. But, best of all, a root canal can save you money in the future as restorative work, bridges, and appliances are costly and may not be permanent.